Workshop di nudo artistico Toscana

Vi invitiamo al workshop di fotografia di nudo artistico con il fotografo ceco Jiri Ruzek e la modella italiana Alessandra Giulia. Il workshop si terrà in una bella villa del 19° secolo a Crespina, nelle vicinanze di Pisa, Italia.

Sabato 25 Aprile 2015, 10:00 - 17:00

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Il workshop si propone di mostrare le possibilità e le insidie che si presentano quando si fotografa modelle. Avrete la possibilità di sbirciare dietro le quinte e ottenere un altro punto di vista sul fotografare, e non solo per quanto riguarda le fotografie nudo artistico.

Sotto la guida esperta di Jiri Ruzek imparerete come lavorare con la modella, come ottenere l'effetto desiderato, imparare a comprendere la complessità della fotocamera giocando con luci e ombre, con diverse lenti, angoli e distanze, come evitare errori inutili e spesso ripetuti etc...

Potrete imparare le basi della composizione e ascoltando con attenzione, potrete anche imparare come dare alla foto quel qualcosa in più, perché la padronanza della tecnica non è tutto. E vi è ancora una grande differenza tra lo scattare una foto di una ragazza nuda e la creazione di una fotografia nudo artistico.



I workshop con Jiri Ruzek sono diversi.
Essi non sono tipicamente commerciali, al contrario, sono pieni di atmosfera informale.


  • Comunicazione con la modella
  • Etica in fotografia quando si fotografa nudo artistico
  • Lavorare con un corpo nudo o seminudo
  • Lavorare con i diversi tipi di luce (luce naturale, luce alternata, luce di Fresnel)
  • Scegliere l'obiettivo giusto per i diversi scatti, lavorando con l'obiettivo
  • Uso efficacie della fotocamera
  • Elementi di composizione
  • Gli errori fotografici piu comuni
  • Trucchi sconosciuti in fotografia
  • Riprese in interni ed esterni
  • Dopo il workshop, critiche e discussioni (online)

In caso di sold out si lavorerà con piu modelle.


Il workshop si terrà in interni ed esterni in una splendida villa del diciannovesimo secolo.
Crespina si trova circa a 60 km a sud ovest di Firenze e a 20 km dal sud di Pisa.
Facilmente raggiungibile in autobus, il bus 50 parte da Pisa alle 7,45 arrivando a Crespina alle 8,35.
Per il ritorno, si parte da Crespina alle 18,05 arrivando a Pisa alle 18,55.

Pausa pranzo a buffet.

Sabato, 25 Aprile 2015
Inizio: 10:00
Fine: 17:00
Luogo: Crespina, Italia
Aeroporto più vicino: Pisa
Più vicine stazioni ferroviarie: Pisa, Pontedera, Livorno

Prezzo: € 290,-

Il workshop verrà tenuto in lingua inglese.


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La prenotazione non è rimborsabile, in caso di mancata presenza al workshop.
In caso di annullamento dell'evento invece, le vostre quote verranno totalmente rimborsate.


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These photographs have been taken during our workshops.

Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Vendula Dubcova Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Ondřej Koutský Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Ivana Snaidaufova Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Ondřej Koutský Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Vratislav Noha Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Romana Marie Jokelova Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Ivana Snaidaufova Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Zara Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Zara Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Václav Sponar Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Vratislav Noha Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Jan Hutter Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Pa-Pen Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Romana Marie Jokelova Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Vratislav Noha Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Peter Levius Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Peter Levius Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Pa-Pen Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Pa-Pen Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Alina Ushcheka Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Lukas Trefilik Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Lukas Trefilik Photos taken during our wokrshops - Photograph by Zara

Jiri Ruzek
Author: Jiri RuzekWebsite:
Czech uglamour nude art photographer, 2014-2021 an official Fujifilm X-Photographer. Published worldwide, one of the few Czech photographers published by Taschen (and others).
Born Aug 29 1967 in Litomerice, living in Prague.
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... some of the most exquisite black-and-white nudes I’ve ever seen. Soooo sexy.

Violet Blue

My photography course has been attended by photographers from these countries:
Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Brasil, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Marocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA
Photographers from these countries have attended photography courses with Jiri Ruzek

Some photographers say these photography courses are unique. Read bellow why ...

"Jiri Ruzek is one of the most talented nude art photographers in Europe, and he is more than willing to share his love of the craft with other prospective photographers. As a student studying abroad at FAMU, I found the tools and techniques taught in Jiri's workshop to be extremely valuable. He does more than teach you how to simply set up a flattering studio light. He teaches how to work with the model, how to build a relationship with a model based on trust and creativity, and how to perfectly blend art and sex appeal to achieve the desired photo. I was able to learn and take away a lot of valuable information in Jiri's workshops that I will be able to use in my own photography for the rest of my life."

Eric Weintraub
Los Angeles, CA, USA

"Your workshops don't have competition anywhere in the world. And if, then just a few. "

Petr Mencl

"Great 'must do' experience, good way to learn new things. L'art de photographier."

Fred Ouille

"Thank you so much for the great workshops. I liked your professionalism, but also your hospitality. I learned a lot, and had great fun too."


"Спасибо за воркшоп с Иржим Ружекем. За его опыт, за умение создать расслабленную и благоприятную атмосферу для обучения. Надеюсь, полученные знания останутся во мне и прорастут красивыми ростками в моем творчестве."

Alina Ushcheka
Prague (Ukraine, Donetsk)

"I've done the photography workshop with Jiri. I can assure you that it was an extraordinary experience! Jiri is an artist but a good teacher who knows very well explain with many good tricks. He delivered me a lot of answers to my technical and aesthetic questions. The model was also very professional. She understands her job well and helps you a lot. Finally, I had the impression of being a real step forward with this artistic experience that I highly recommend!"

Nizar Adam

"I completed a workshop in basic studio photography with Jiri this July. Jiri is clearly an accomplished photographer with an easy teaching style that I appreciated. I am new to photography and was looking for a workshop that covered lighting and composition as well as how to work with models. Jiri thoroughly covered all of these areas. The course exceeded all of my expectations and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for photography teacher. I am planning to return to Prague and continue to study with Jiri."

Jimmy Smith
Bellingham, WA, USA

"Prague is an enchanting city which I hope to re-visit again. My wonderful experience however, would not have been complete had I not included a (4 hour) workshop with the highly talented photographer Jiri and a photo shoot the day after with an exquisitely beautiful model, Marilyn.
I would describe Jiri’s workshop as a master-class, where one learns directly from an artist around his style and together with a model that he has a long professional history with. Even though I consider myself being an amateur photographer I was, under the guidance of Jiri, able to produce a portfolio that I am very proud off.
The workshop with Jiri was a lot of fun. Jiri’s approach as an artist and teacher is interactive as he facilitates an environment which is very social and comfortable and which entails a few glasses of wine and a few laughs. This resulted in an enjoyable evening where I got to work under similar conditions as a professional photographer – A great and memorable experience.
Jiri was also kind enough to also book the photography studio for me the day after and I had the privilege to work with an extremely talented model and practice the skills that I developed from the workshop.
I look forward to continue practicing the techniques, lessons and skills that Jiri has taught me in the workshop. "

South Africa

"Jiri is not only a great teacher of photography. Probably the most important thing he taught me is the importance of communication."


"Jiri, thanks for the one day workshop. I had a great time and learnt a lot. Picked up some great camera techniques and photography tricks from yourself.
Enjoyed pursuing my interest in nude photography and appreciated your expert guidance in this area.
I will definitely recommend your course or tuition and look forward to visiting your studio next year:) "

Dan M.


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